I’m Organizing my Home, Here’s What I’ve learned so far #momlife

That before was taken right at the moment when I said to myself “why am I living like this, enough is enough” and I didn’t even capture the dining table bc I was so embarrassed. It was covered with mail, toys, old containers &  dishes😩😭😩

You see I kept hearing & seeing  a lot of things about momlife, and how mess and clutter are inevitable when you have kids. But it’s so wild  because for me, I was using the “I have a kid” narrative to cover up a problem I’ve had for years with clutter😭😭😭

To be honest, I’d also convinced myself that “my mess wasn’t that bad” because I was comparing it to what others had… and their mess was way worse… smh!!! Just awful! I Told y’all comparison will keep you all the way stuck in your mess! Figuratively and LITERALLY!

Well A few months ago (after immersing myself into the world organizing), I decided to change that narrative in my life. I wanted to become a woman of order especially in my home. And although kids can add a whole lot of “messy” to your life & home… I  decided I no longer  wanted to live in that mess as my norm.

So I’ve been on a journey of creating a lifestyle  where everything in my home has a place (ORDER), and I set a few moments daily to maintain my space (FLOW). 

It’s funny bc all of this started when I took those first small steps (for example making my bed daily). And once I started with those simple daily habit, it’s like the energy to continue was overflowing from within me! I’ve tried to organize before, and fell short every single time! I realized this happened because I was only focused on the task. Once I decided to make this a lifestyle, and focus on who I want to BECOME in the process, the shift happened… and here we are! And I’m just getting started 🙌🏾

I’m no expert or guru in the art of decluttering or organizing… but what I do know is that your life will seldom change if you only focus on the tasks. 

I encourage you to decide who you want to become, and create goals that are in alignment with that as you TAKE ACTION.  Start as small as you need to. Be intentional and watch the energy that you need to carry on kick in and overtake you!  This is not a competition, but rather an amazing opportunity for you to create the life you’ve always desired for yourself. A life of becoming all that you know you’re called to be, filled with the overflow and results you crave the most! 

The choice is yours!






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