“There’s More to Life than Watching Other People Live It” -Hitch

*Original March 3, 2016 Updated February 12, 2024

With Social Media, it is almost expected that we become consumed with the lives of others. With a simple tap, we are granted full access to see what others are doing, whom they’re doing it with, and can even imagine how they feel while doing it. It’s viciously entertaining! However, it can become inevitably obsessive if we don’t check ourselves. Comparison is just waiting for us on the other side of that screen.  And if we’re not careful, jealousy and resentment can creep in like a thief… stealing the very joy that God has blessed us with in REAL LIFE!  

Just imagine being unknowingly (subconsciously) upset with your wonderful husband, because he’s not performing like the other husbands you’ve seen being touted on those marriage social media accounts as the pinnacle of #husbandgoals. With each scroll, thoughts of  “that must be nice” or “I wish my husband were like that” or “Why doesn’t he do this like everyone else” begin to flood your mind.  Then boom… you have an attitude with the love of your life, and neither one of you know exactly why.   Yes, we all have room for improvement. No marriage is perfect,  and I am a huge proponent of having that heart-to-heart check in with your spouse weekly for that very reason (check out this post for more on “D-Day:). I also know that holding our spouses up to the standard of what we see on social media ain’t it. God and His word are our standard (more on that in another post).

This is not to say that Social Media is the devil.  Nor is it to say that it’s bad to share in and celebrate the lives of others. Not at all! I’m quick to double tap and celebrate others.  From business successes, to marriages, new babies etc… I celebrate it all. I also must be mindful of my own heart and my capacity. Comparison is a real thief, and will have you so dissatisfied with the very life  you’ve prayed for. Whew… read that line again! For this reason, I am extremely intentional about how much of others’ lives I allow myself to embrace on social media. And even when comparison isn’t a threat, we all must be mindful not to be so consumed with scrolling through and enjoying the lives of others, that we miss out on actually living and creating the lives we want to enjoy.  

Added thought:

This is especially true for us as moms! We have to be mindful not to allow the ease that other moms seemingly experience in their journey, to cause us to resent our own journey. We have to be mindful, and focus our eyes on Jesus. The goal of this life in Him is not to become like the mom next to us… no matter how alluring her life may seem. No, chi!  We must seek to become the woman/mom/wife that God desires for us to be! His desire is for us to thrive!


The next time you go out to dinner or on vacation with your spouse, friends, or family… put your phone away and keep it there!   Live in the moment, and create memories that will last a life time!





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