
Over the past 3 to 4 years I managed to shed a little over 30 LBS… and it feels awesome (GOOO MEEEE)! Many people who have known me for quite some time, know that it was indeed a journey to get to this lovely place where I am now! I’ve surpassed my goal and am now in an ever constant state of maintaining my figure!  A lot of you have asked me either for help, guidance, or for simple little tips to drop a few LBS and most importantly keep them off…well my loves here are the top three things that have helped me to build and maintain my “Brickhouse” :0)


1) SELF DESIRE: The first key to weight loss success (in my opinion) is the desire to do it for YOU!!  IF you determine to lose weight for your boyfriend, or for attention it will most certainly backfire! Now don’t get me wrong… attention is sure to follow, and I absolutely  LOVE ATTENTION…lol… but my main reason for deciding to shed the weight,  was purely self motivated to help me become my best self! I wanted to look and feel amazing in my body EVERYDAY!

2)PERSEVERANCE: The journey to weight loss (done right) is a moderately paced, frustrating, yet enjoyable  process; which means you will need  perseverance to give you that extra *UMPH* to keep going and pressing toward your mark of success! Once you understand the pace of this process it will be a little easier for you to keep it going each day! I’ve had to overcome bouts of doubt that my efforts weren’t working, and many days of just not wanting to workout! But, I didn’t ALLOW these moments to last long!   I had to take a step back, remember what I wanted…and stick to the plan to get to my expected end!!  4 years later I’m still at it, 30 LBS lighter and looking good 🙂

3)BALANCE: Balance is crucial; Balance in your diet, balance in your lifestyle, even balance with your workout routine! Everyone’s body, metabolism, and endurance levels are different, so I can’t tell you what to do( you must find what works best)!  However; The two most important things to keep in mind here are that cardio and healthy eating behaviors go hand-in-hand!  It takes a good balance of both to make your body really respond!  I honestly have never dieted,  but I have learned how to build my cardio endurance all while  making  healthier and more balanced eating choices… and that’s what works for me!

So as a word of encouragement to all my ladies who desire to lose a couple of pounds… and especially to those of you who want to make a massive turn around; remember YOU CAN DO IT!!! Don’t lose heart, but keep pressing! Fight to be CONSISTENT!!!!! Don’t slack even for a moment, because it will only be that much harder to get back on the ball (no pun intended lol)!!

The key is to stay focused in (spring/summer) and out (fall/winter) of season!!! don’t be the type that only works out for a pending vacation to the islands, or to fit into a swimsuit for a summer…. make it a LIFE LONG COMMITMENT!

Trust me, looking and feeling great in your new body compares to no other, not to mention it gives the perfect excuse to build a new wardrobe 🙂

 What worked for your weightloss success??

Keep it Stylish,

 StylReesta xoxo

2 thoughts on ““Brickhouse”

  1. Thanks soooo much, as I’m seeking to loose over 200lbs!!! You’re blog has blessed me sis!!! You look Awesome from the inside out, thank-you Jesus!!!talk with you soon.

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